( XI) Orthotherapy, vision correction operation, plastic operation, medical accident caused by any operation, or cosmetic surgery caused by any accidental injury; (十一)矫形、视力矫正手术、美容、因手术所致医疗事故、意外伤害事故所致的整容手术;
Grade I medical accident: causing death or heavy disability of a patient; 一级医疗事故:造成患者死亡、重度残疾的;
As the result of a medical accident she was sightless. 是一起医疗事故夺去了她的光明。
Research on the Objective of Crime of Medical Accident; “严重损害后果”是构成医疗事故罪的必要条件之一。
Discussion on legislative will of the 4th item in Regulation on the Handling of Medical Accident from a case 从一桩案例探讨《医疗事故处理条例》第四条立法的旨意
Grade II medical accident: causing medium disability, or organ or tissue damage of a patient, thus resulting in severe dysfunction; 二级医疗事故:造成患者中度残疾、器官组织损伤导致严重功能障碍的;
How to use medical equipments safely is important to prevent medical accident for doctors in clinic. 临床诊疗活动中如何安全使用医疗设备也是预防医疗事故的重要方面。
In addition, it is argued that the medical accident insurance system is good for hospitals to move out the liability risks in market-based economy. 此外,建立医疗责任保险制度是在市场经济体制中医疗机构化解责任风险的较优选择。
Grade IV medical accident: causing other tangible personal injuries to a patient. 四级医疗事故:造成患者明显人身损害的其他后果的。
It examined the ability of proof of medical accident technical appraisals as "appraisal conclusions" in the perspective civil action. 本文着重从刑事诉讼过程中的证据运用比较密集的侦查阶段,讨论了足迹鉴定结论的证据价值。
Comparative Research on Non-litigation Mechanism of Medical Accident between China and America 中美医疗事故非诉讼解决机制比较研究
The Medical Accident Dispute System Based on MVC Pattern 基于MVC模式的医疗事故争议处理系统
The victim dies of a medical accident in the E.R. 受害者会在急诊室死于医疗事故。
A system on the administrative management and Medical accident compensation should be established. 医疗事故的行政处理以及医疗事故的赔偿。
The injury reparation of medical accident should be adapted to the rule of negligence presumption and conduction of reverse the burden of proof. 医疗事故的法律性质为侵权责任,医疗事故的损害赔偿应适用过错推定原则,实行举证责任倒置。
It is commonly believed overseas that medical accident crime is one of unpremeditated professional crimes, which is more serious than general unpremeditated crimes, while it is just contraty in China. 当代各主要国家的刑法典均对医疗事故罪进行了规定,国外的通说认为,医疗事故罪作为业务过失犯罪的一种,其处罚应当重于普通过失犯罪。
The evidence of criminal responsibility of negligence of medical crime is based on the liability of preventing medical accident. 医事犯罪过失承担刑事责任的根据是医事事故避免义务。
Subject of crime of medical accident is medical workers who are performing their duties by law; 医疗事故犯罪的主体是依法正在执行职务的医务人员;
Crime of medical accident has a double object: The primary one is the patient's right on life or health; the secondary is the normal order and managing activities of medical units; 医疗事故罪的客体是双重客体,其主要客体是就诊人的生命和健康权利,次要客体是医疗单位的正常的工作秩序和管理活动;
Medical accident crime is one of the medical crimes, difficult to be identified. 医疗事故罪是发生在医疗活动中比较难于认定的一种犯罪,本文重点对医疗事故罪的犯罪构成和司法认定进行论述。
Lastly, suggestions are also made on elusion of medical accident risks. 最后提出了规避医疗事故风险的几点建议。
Medical invading right including medical fault and medical accident is a special part of civil invading right responsibility. 医疗侵权是民事侵权责任中的一个特殊部分,医疗过错和医疗事故均是基于医疗活动中的诊疗行为过错所产生,医疗事故是医疗行为存在过错、应当承担赔偿责任的代名词。
Result This practice reduced the occurrence of medical accident and achieved zero complaint in nursing. 结果减少了护理事故的发生,护理实现了零投诉。
Subjective of crime of medical accident is negligence, but not the formed design; 医疗事故罪的主观方面只能是过失,故意不构成此罪。
Due to these cases which have different levels of death causation and responsibility competition, thus, the occurring lawsuit rate of medical tangle is high, which became an important and difficult point of current forensic identification and medical accident techno-identification. 由于这种案例存在不同程度的死因和责任竞争,因而医疗纠纷的发生率和诉讼率高,已成为当前法医学鉴定和医疗事故技术鉴定的重点和难点,也是法院审判和调解的难点之一。
It plays a huge role in reduce medical accident and health-care costs. 在规避了医疗事故,降低医疗成本中发挥了巨大作用。
Medical accident crime has many problems. 医疗事故罪存在的问题较多。
Firstly, take a glancing overview of the developing history of crime of medical accident. 首先对医疗事故罪的历史发展进行粗略回顾。